Two New Classes
There's a saying in the movie biz: Sell a ticket to the guy, and you've sold a ticket. Sell a ticket to a woman, and you've sold two tickets. Guess what: The same is true of guns. The range where…
There's a saying in the movie biz: Sell a ticket to the guy, and you've sold a ticket. Sell a ticket to a woman, and you've sold two tickets. Guess what: The same is true of guns. The range where…
If you’ve been in one of my concealed carry classes, you know that I quote a statistic from a 2022 Georgetown University study which showed that 81.9% of lethal force encounters end without a shot being fired. The bad guy…
Normally I follow the 72 Hour Rule and don't comment on these incidents until we know more about them, but I think there is enough information right now to talk about how everything went down and what we can learn…
There was a recent discussion on social media about why some people are obsessed with learning how to shoot from the driver’s seat of their car. Speaking as someone who set the internet on fire when he suggested that car…
Hey, when I suggested you train with people who recommended other trainers, I wasn't kidding, and February 7th through the 9th might be the best training opportunity you'll see in South/Southwest Florida all year. Tim Herron is coming to Okochobee…
Creating the Cadre Sessions has given me a chance to think about my own particular teaching style. Every instructor starts off mimicking a style, be it of the NRA/USCCA instructor who taught them or some other trainer they’ve learned from.…
I like competing in practical pistol, and honestly, I don’t do it these days as often as I should. I am much more in the defensive mindset now than I was a dozen years ago, where I would shoot at…
I think the one thing that separates great firearms instructors from all the rest of the instructors out there who takes a weekend’s worth of classes and hangs out a shingle is that a great firearms instructor is dedicated to…
I’m doing more dry fire these days, partly because I know it’s the key to being a better shooter, partly because I have a cool new toy I’m trying out for work and partly because I’m telling my students that…
From 1990 to 2001, I was an editorial and advertising photographer. I had a decent client list (IBM, HP, Sports Illustrated) and shot thousands of frames each month. Heck, sometimes each week. I had decent gear, Hassies for medium format,…