Taking This Very Seriously
I’ve been asked by a local business to do a woman’s self-defense seminar.
I mean, I kinda got started in this whole gun writing thing with an article that dared to break with the conventional wisdom that a pink-handled 38’s wasn’t the best gun for a woman (an article that is, to this day, the #1 article in the history of ShootingIllustrated.com), but still, this is pretty cool, and a big responsibility.
Look, I don’t know how to tell you this, but… I’m not a woman. Never have been, never will, which means that I don’t have any first-hand experience in woman’s self-defense. But I’m friends with a bunch of women who are really good at this stuff. I’m cribbing a bunch of what I’ll be teaching from what Annette Evans is doing with On Her Own. In addition to this, I reached out to Kathy Jackson of The Cornered Cat and talked with her at length about what sort of things should go into a women’s personal protection seminar.
If I’m going to plagiarize, I’m going to plagiarize from the best. We’ll see how it goes.