Lessons From New Orleans
Normally I follow the 72 Hour Rule and don't comment on these incidents until we know more about them, but I think there is enough information right now to talk about how everything went down and what we can learn…
Normally I follow the 72 Hour Rule and don't comment on these incidents until we know more about them, but I think there is enough information right now to talk about how everything went down and what we can learn…
There was a recent discussion on social media about why some people are obsessed with learning how to shoot from the driver’s seat of their car. Speaking as someone who set the internet on fire when he suggested that car…
Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for June of this year, when I was having a dickens of a time filling up my Pistolcraft 101 class. It’s a good class, modeled after John Murphy’s “Street Encounter Skills” class and it goes…
My friend Alex posted this as a response to a question in a Facebook group on how to become a firearms trainer. Sign up for Rangemaster Instructor Development Train with other instructors that have been through Rangemaster Identify your niche…
I live in a small community that’s literally built around a large Catholic church. It’s full of “good people” who love God, raise families and regularly vote Republican. Oh, and there was a domestic violence incident here today where one…
“An ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations. A repo man spends his life getting into tense situations.” - Harry Dean Stanton, “Repo Man” I’m working on standing up the security team for my church, and part of that…
My friend and mentor Michael Bane had a great podcast episode this week on the difference between a mass shooting and an active killer. I will confess that tended to confuse the two before I listened to his podcast (and…
When I said I was taking some time off during the summer for some training, I wasn't kidding. Here's what I have planned for the rest of the year. Force on Force Training - 5 Hours I'm taking this class…
I'm meeting with a new student in a few hours to talk about her options for personal defense and look over some possible guns for her. She's a 65 year old widower and has a niece who is a trainer…
A few of my friends in the firearms world have been poopoo-ing the SIG Sauer Rose Retreats, where women pay a healthy chunk of cash ($5k or so) to get some training, a signature pistol and hang out for a…